Bad Dad" by David Walliams is a uproarious journey into the world of Frank and Gilbert, a father-son duo whose escapades are as laugh-out-loud funny as they are heartwarming. Walliams'...
In Maggie O'Farrell's compelling novel "Hamnet," she delves into the haunting story behind one of William Shakespeare's most enigmatic plays. Set against the backdrop of 16th-century England, the narrative centers...
"Sada Chiryan Da Chamba (Beti ke liye Baap ki taraf se pyar bhari tehreerein)" by Shakir Hussain Shakir is a heartfelt collection of memoirs and personal reflections from a father...
"The Absent Father Effect on Daughters" by Susan E. Schwartz explores the profound impact of father absence on daughters, addressing both the longing for paternal presence and the emotional wounds...
"What to Expect When You're Expecting, Third Edition Paperback by Heidi Murkoff" offers a comprehensive guide for expectant parents navigating the journey of pregnancy. Authored by Heidi Murkoff, a seasoned...